What are pie cuts, and why use them?
Posted by Ethan Simpson on

Pie cuts, also known as lobster cuts, are used to create tight radius bends, and complex bends. To understand why pie cuts are the best way to solve these issues we need to look at how exhaust and intake pipes are normally bent. Almost all thin wall pipe starts off as a straight section of pipe which is bent to a specific radius. The most common tool for bending pipe is called a mandrel bender. A mandrel bender forms the pipe around a die, while using a mandrel to stop the pipe from kinking or collapsing. This creates a beautiful...
What to look for when buying v-band clamps
Posted by Ethan Simpson on

In this tech tip, we discuss what to look for when purchasing v-band clamps. The clamps we sell at FabDepot incorporate all of these features. Making them among the highest quality v-band clamps available, while remaining at an affordable price.Check them out here: V-Band Clamps The Sealing Face There are two common ways to do the sealing face, where the two sides of the clamp seal against each other. The original v-band design was a flat sealing face. There are few downsides to this design. If the flange becomes slightly warped, from welding or from multiple heat cycles in operation,...